Saturday, March 24, 2007

Magical Moment?

I just returned from a week at Disney World in Orlando! Wow! What a great week! I have heard people talk about "magical moments," a specific time that they connected with Disney Magic.

Would I have a magical moment? I went in thinking okay - lots of rides - characters - high priced food and drink - long lines - what could be magical about that? Then it happened... the smiles - the look on my girls' faces during their first Disney Parade. Priceless. It actually happened several times. The pictures with Mickey and Minnie, Cinderella's Castle, It's a Small World...

I happened to think of Westview and our first "Magical Moment." When did we connect to Westview? Tanya and I attended two different large churches in the Des Moines area before visiting Westview. One thing we really liked about a larger church, we could slip in and out and not really have to connect with anyone.

When we first came to Westview we did the same thing - show up right before services, leave right after the benediction. It was our choice - right, then we started noticing groups of people who looked like they wanted to be there and really were connected. Slowly we started to try to interact with people and met a few friendly faces. Looking back it took us almost a full year to really become engaged with people. One of our "magical moments" was at a Westview Church golf outing - we were paired with Dave and Susan Watson. It was really the first time we connected with someone besides a quick hello on a Sunday. We decided it was time to initiate and engage; then we saw God bless our family, friends, and faith.

We were then introduced to a small group and began building relationships with friends. Those friendships have changed our lives. Six years later we have built a network of friends we pray with, talk about our faith with, and just have fun together!

I look at my Disney experience and think - yeah - but that's what Disney does...everyone is there to help create a magical moment for you, their guest. Their mission is to "make people happy"

Westview Church has a vision to be a House of Prayer and a Serving Church. Westview wants you to be a part of that vision through Westview's Mission of helping people find Jesus, grow in Jesus, and Serve Jesus. We want you to have a "Magical Westview Moment!"

I don't want you to wait a year like we did. I understand - everyone has their own speed at engaging with a local church. I would encourage you to contact me if you want to get involved with a small group, a ministry, or just simply talk about your magical moment.

Thanks for stopping by...Keith

To contact Keith click here

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