Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Don't Hide Your Faith!

I wanted to follow to the "What do you mean by Christian?" post from a few weeks back.

By asking first what someone means by "Christian" it can allow you to know there perspective on Christianity. Too many times, by answering "Yes - I am a Christian." the conversation ends. The conversation might end before either party knows how the other defines Christian.

It is safe to say we all have had conversations with others who may have a whole different definition of what it means to be a Christian. Michael Simpson states in Permission Evangelism,

"By First engaging in understanding their concept of Christianity, I create enough interest to pull them into conversation. When I finally do state that I am a Christian, based on what that means to both of us, nonbelievers are often more willing to listen because I have been thoughtful enough to consider their perspective." Permission Evangelism p 33

Simpson goes on to relate this process to an encounter you could have at a local coffee shop. He tells a story of interacting with a gentleman at a local coffee shop. Meeting a modestly dressed man who takes interest in you. You spends the afternoon in conversation. You come to realize he has a unselfish and kind heart. As you leave and exchange names, you immediately recognize his name as a famous multimillionaire that the press has been headlining each day. He has been involved in a "scandal" and the media has painted him into being a self-centered man of greed who has destroyed the lives of several people.

Later- if you were to explain to your friends about your meeting. How would you relate how this man engaged you and showed you a heart of wisdom and unselfishness. This man was nothing like you had imagined. If you had known who he was before your conversation, how would that have impacted your perception of this man? Would you have even listened or understood what he was about?

Again- I think it is more about inviting conversations - than repelling conversations.

Don't hide the fact your a Christian - just be aware other's don't always have the same definition. Sometimes it might help a conversation to go farther by clearing up any inconsistencies, otherwise you might end a conversation too early that could impact someone's life forever.

Remember - Initiate conversations, Engage friendships, Bless relationships!

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