Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Just Say Thanks...

Yesterday, I was driving in my truck with my daughter when the “Al’s Pals” cd ended and Sean Covington’s “You Be” was in the next cd slot. When Carrie began singing along, it really reminded me about how lucky we are to have talented musicians at Westview.

Each week Natalie McDonald puts together a great worship team. Each set takes a lot of effort and time to put together. Each week many talented individuals spend hours preparing for Westview Church’s worship service.

As I was reminded by my daughter singing “You Be” … others are much more talented than I am at singing. She really made me smile. Smiling might be my preferred way to worship, or at least the person in front of me's "preferred way for me" to worship.

During last week’s service Tanya leaned over and said “It’s amazing two guys and a guitar can sound so awesome.”

I am glad those God blessed with talent; really step up to serve in Westview’s Worship Ministry. Next time you run into Natalie or a worship team member thank them for their hard work.

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