Monday, January 15, 2007

Resource Provider

Bill Hybels wrote in his book Just Walk Across The Room, about being a resource provider. I don't always know the answer to the tough questions people ask about Christianity. It is safe to say I all to often I am left saying "that's a great question or I don't know." Even if it is not a direct question there are many times a conversation sparks a memory of something I may have read. There are so many great books out there about relationships, leadership, etc...Many books authored by Christian Authors can create conversations points, lead people to seek out God, and really impact people's lives.

Lola Kenworthy shared at Westview Church on Jan 14th, about how God has been encouraging her to be bold about her faith. One thing that she took from Just Walk Across the Room, was that God can use her to plants the seeds of faith in people's lives. She has really challenged herself to be a "resource provider" She has seen how easy it is to suggest a book to someone. She has even taken steps to have materials ready to share. ( I have yet to see her balancing a book on her head walking through the mall:) She does however make sure she has access to books, cd's, dvds, etc...

Think about where and when you can share a good book, a cd, or even the Bible with someone. God can use you as a Resource Provider! HE can do the rest! Be willing to Initiate, Engage, and then prayerfully wait on God to Bless!

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