Thursday, January 11, 2007

TeleMarketing Interuptions

What does marketing mean to you? Do you think Superbowl commercials? Apple’s 1984…Mean Joe Green and Coke…the Budweiser Frogs? Marketing can really pull on your emotions. Commercials tend to make me smile or laugh.

How about junk mail? Telemarketing? Ugh! Think interruptions. Annoying sales pitches. Michael Simpson states in his book Permission Evangelism that he hates interruptions, well so do I! He goes on to mention that everyday advertisers, telemarketers, and Internet pop-up ads all steal our precious time.

I want to ask you to take a moment and think of your non-Christian friends. Would they accept Christ after randomly being interrupted, then witnessed to on the street by a stranger? Or would they be more likely to be introduced into Salvation by people who know them? Would they trust people who they already have a prior established relationship?

God can use you to impact the lives of the non-believers you already interact with daily! Remember initiate conversations, engage in friendships, and allow God to bless those encounters!

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