Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Avoid using "Christianese!"

Alpha USA, recently sent me an email with the title "Watch Your Language!" Do Christians tend to talk in another language? Not really - but many times if an un-churched person would approach a groups of Christians in conversation, what they hear might cause the non-christian to scratch their head.

Prayed for, laying on of hands, Saved, pro-life, spiritual gifts, tithe... Even things about a service like offerings, benediction, communion, or worship can be confusing. Things common to a Christian can literally scare a seeker away. One quote mentioned in the email happened at a Alpha event. One helper said to a quest, "Do you go to church much?" Guest responded, "Not very much." Helper replied,"You should come here next Sunday, our preacher really knows how to use his Sword and get people fired up about Jesus!"

Communicating with non-church language helps the guests understand what's being said while breaking down stereotypes of Christians.

While you are initiating conversations and engaging people, remember "Watch your language!" God can bless those conversations.

Don't forget - your words can be as sharp as a Sword:)

for more tips check out

Monday, January 22, 2007

Permission Conversation

Two years ago, I worked on a time line of my life, for Leaders For the Harvest. Leaders for the Harvest is a Leadership Course that really help create a desire in me to spend more time and energy focusing on spiritual disciplines.

My time line, my story? Why work on my story? Does anybody ever ask you to share your story? While writing my time line I was forced to really look at my life history. It was amazing to me to see how God has worked in my life. How can I share what I have learned from watching God impact my life? How do you share details with others with out boring them or driving them away?

When I think of people sharing their Christ Stories it reminds me of Church Youth Rallies, FCA Groups, or Sunday Evening Testimonies at Church...

I don't want to spew my whole story within every conversation I have, but I would like to share it with someone! One thing I learned from Michael Simpson in Permission Evangelism was to not unload your story right away...God will let it happen in His time. Be open to share. Wait.

One example of a permission conversation would be if someone asks "how's it going?" don't jump right back with a lot of details that lead you into you Christ story. Be patient and listen for God to open doors. One response I like that was cited in the book, is to respond by saying "I have a lot of exciting things going on in my life right now!" People will then either be satisfied by your small talk or be led to ask for more.
The conversation might end on your statement.

Six months later that same parent might be sitting next to you at the soccer game. God could prompt them to say something like this,"You mentioned a while back that you had some exciting things going on - what's so exciting?"

God may be leading them to engage in your conversation you initiated six months ago...will God Bless that "Random" Statement? I believe He can!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Resource Provider

Bill Hybels wrote in his book Just Walk Across The Room, about being a resource provider. I don't always know the answer to the tough questions people ask about Christianity. It is safe to say I all to often I am left saying "that's a great question or I don't know." Even if it is not a direct question there are many times a conversation sparks a memory of something I may have read. There are so many great books out there about relationships, leadership, etc...Many books authored by Christian Authors can create conversations points, lead people to seek out God, and really impact people's lives.

Lola Kenworthy shared at Westview Church on Jan 14th, about how God has been encouraging her to be bold about her faith. One thing that she took from Just Walk Across the Room, was that God can use her to plants the seeds of faith in people's lives. She has really challenged herself to be a "resource provider" She has seen how easy it is to suggest a book to someone. She has even taken steps to have materials ready to share. ( I have yet to see her balancing a book on her head walking through the mall:) She does however make sure she has access to books, cd's, dvds, etc...

Think about where and when you can share a good book, a cd, or even the Bible with someone. God can use you as a Resource Provider! HE can do the rest! Be willing to Initiate, Engage, and then prayerfully wait on God to Bless!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

TeleMarketing Interuptions

What does marketing mean to you? Do you think Superbowl commercials? Apple’s 1984…Mean Joe Green and Coke…the Budweiser Frogs? Marketing can really pull on your emotions. Commercials tend to make me smile or laugh.

How about junk mail? Telemarketing? Ugh! Think interruptions. Annoying sales pitches. Michael Simpson states in his book Permission Evangelism that he hates interruptions, well so do I! He goes on to mention that everyday advertisers, telemarketers, and Internet pop-up ads all steal our precious time.

I want to ask you to take a moment and think of your non-Christian friends. Would they accept Christ after randomly being interrupted, then witnessed to on the street by a stranger? Or would they be more likely to be introduced into Salvation by people who know them? Would they trust people who they already have a prior established relationship?

God can use you to impact the lives of the non-believers you already interact with daily! Remember initiate conversations, engage in friendships, and allow God to bless those encounters!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

How do you answer tough questions?

Evangelism...Outreach...Sharing your Faith...Are those scary statements for you to think about?

How many times do you wish you knew what to say? How many times do you wish you spoke up when asked a question? Do people ask you about your faith? How come it is so natural for "others" to share their faith? Ever said "Nobody asks me questions like that?" or "That's not my gift"

Engaging people in discussions can become a habit. I don't want to "sell" people on my faith...I do want them to know my story, my experiences, etc...

Over the next couple of posts, I will explain how simple it can be to get people to ask you about your story!

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